nour·ish /ˈnəriSH/
1. provide with the food or other substances necessary for growth, health, and good condition.
Some years I “officially” partake in Ali Edwards’ One Little Word, signing up for the course, purchasing the scrapbook supplies, and…trying. I don’t think I’ve ever gone through a whole course in one year, though, which is fine. It’s just not one of the projects I’m meant to commit to and complete, and that’s fine. (/rossgellarimfine.gif) I do still love the idea of choosing a word of the year, however, and I just couldn’t resist another this year. As 2022 was coming to a close, I binge listened to the One Little Word episodes of my favorite craft podcast, Crafty Ass Female, and I let the ideas simmer as I considered, What word do I want for 2023?
Part of me considered simply reusing “cultivate” from a few years ago. It was a good word. It was good to and for me. But it also kind of felt like a cop out to recycle a word, no matter how good it was, so I racked my brain and kept thinking. I researched synonyms and tried a few words on. I realized I kept coming back to the word “nourish,” and here we are, two weeks into January, and I am finding all the ways I can nourish myself at every level. I have done pages and pages of journaling—prompted and free form—and I’ve made note of every lesson I want to remember as I go through the year, nourishing myself and every bit of my life: my relationships, mental health, body and spirituality, career goals and hobbies. Sure, two weeks in I’ve also already had some lapses in new habits, but that’s part of the process. Progress isn’t linear, right?
Like cultivate, I love the idea of nourish because it feels grounding, and I can come up with a thousand and one ways to apply it to every day, whether it’s drinking a glass of water when I wake up to going to bed earlier to taking time to write (like this blog post, right now, at my writing desk that was neglected over the last year). I love the images it conjures in my mind: lush greenery and hearty meals, comfort and love both for others and myself. I get so much more from it than the basic definition above when I sit and ponder the word nourish. It inspires me to ask myself, What do I want? What do I need? I’m so happy to have invited this word into my life this year, and for years to come I hope.
Do you choose a word of the year? Please share yours with me in the comments!
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