nour·ish /ˈnəriSH/verb1. provide with the food or other substances necessary for growth, health, and good condition. Some years I “officially” partake in Ali Edwards’ One Little Word, signing up for the course, purchasing the scrapbook supplies, and…trying. I don’t think I’ve ever gone through a whole course in one year, though, which is fine. It’s…
missing music + finding a way back to it.
I have this distinct memory of riding the bus when I was in high school, headphones on and a book open in my lap, only to realize that I was somehow reading the book and singing along to music at the same time. I’m not even sure if it ever happened besides that one time….
currently | january 2021
I’m sitting here at my kitchen peninsula (my new writing space for #momlife reasons) as I type, Finn upstairs napping, laundry running in the washing machine, dishes in the dishwasher, and dinner prep going in the oven. I stared at the blank screen of Scrivener to work on a new scene for my novel but…
june 2020 | life lately.
I would surprise no one by saying there’s been an absurd amount of plain shit going on. Global pandemic, civil rights movements, murder hornets, alien invasion… Wait, that one hasn’t happened yet. Anyway, you understand what I’m saying. And in the midst of it all, survival–literal and spiritual–have been at the top of the list….
currently, in quarantine.
This post contains affiliate links; if you choose to click through and make a purchase, I will earn a commission at no extra cost to you. Life is so odd right now. I’m not saying anything new. Even to me, someone lucky enough to maintain something of the same daily routine as pre-isolation, life is…
jan 2020 | current favorite podcasts.
In an effort to keep the TV off a little more often, I would say the majority of my time is spent on Spotify listening to either any of a million playlists or, more likely, listening to a podcast. Right after Finn was born, I would keep track of the days of the week by…
twenty-twenty incoming.
Hello there. It’s been quite the year, hasn’t it? The last few months of my life have been both completely different and entirely the same: I still watch an unhealthy amount of Netflix, but the difference now is that I do it with a small human in my lap most of the time. Of course,…